Friday, 24 December 2010

Caroline Gormley

Collateral Damage x3...To Be Revised (2010). Black & White photograph (of artist's own sculptural piece). A4.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Online exhibition begins

We are proud to present the first works in our online exhibition entitled 'Minus Ten' . The artists participating in the first part of the exhibition are: Ruth Tillyard, Tracy Ryan, Natalie Donald, Mark McQueen, Fatima Gallardo & Lisa Jennings.

Fatima Gallardo

Untitled (2010). Colour photograph. A4.

Untitled (2010). Collage. A3.

Untitled (2010). Collage. A2.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Lisa Jennings

Dead Matters. Black & White photographs. A5 each.

Mark McQueen

Untitled (2010). Xylene transfer print collages. A4.

Untitled (2010). Monoprint. A5.

Natalie Donald

Untitled. (2010) Lino prints (2 x framed). A4 each.

Untitled. (2010) Drypoint etchings (4 x framed). A4 each

Tracy Ryan

Comfort (2010). Black & White collage. A4.

Cupcake Explosion (2010). Colour print. A5.